My caption 😄

Musical rhythm and affect: Comment on 'The quartet theory of human emotions: An integrative and neurofunctional model' by S.Koelsch et al.


The Quartet Theory of Human Emotion (QT) proposed by Koelsch etal.[1]adds to existing affective models, e.g. by directing more attention to emotional contagion, attachment-related and non-goal-directed emotions. Such an approach seems particularly appropriate to modelling musical emotions, and music is indeed a recurring example in the text, used to illustrate the distinct characteristics of the affect systems that are at the centre of the theory. Yet, it would seem important for any theory of emotion to account for basic functions such as prediction and anticipation, which are only briefly mentioned. Here we propose that QT, specifically its focus on emotional contagion, attachment-related and non-goal directed emotions, might help generate new ideas about a largely neglected source of emotion– rhythm– amusical property that relies fundamentally on the mechanism of prediction.

In Physics of Life Reviews

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